

As I sat and read the Word this morning, I became overwhelmed with all that has been put on our plate. Blessings, many, many blessings! To top the list would be a healthy marriage, and three healthy, funny, loving kids that have an amazing relationship with their mom and dad. That's a FULL, FULL life right there!

Our family has lived in such limbo that we literally do not know what will happen from Sunday to Sunday...day to day. In essence, life is like that. We don't know what tomorrow holds. I've always known that, but I have been fighting such strong feelings..that can be summed up in three words. Sometimes I wonder if this time I might not be as strong as I need to be! What if this is the time that my faith isn't as strong, I don't trust Him quite enough because the silence of anything "happening" is deafening! Why do I need to SEE what God is doing instead of resting my head on HIS chest and focusing on these words.....

The more I seek YOU, the more I find YOU!
The more I find YOU, the more I love YOU!
I want to sit at Your feet, drink from the cup in Your hand!
I want to feel the heart beat of GOD!
Do not let this Book of the Law

depart from your mouth;

meditate on it day and night,

so that you may be careful to do everything

written in it.

Then you will be prosperous and successful.

Josh. 1:8

The More I Seek You - Christ for the Nations Institute

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