
Book Club

I love to spend any free time that I have reading..which is very little time. But I am always looking for a good book to read along side my Bible. Something that will challenge me in my quiet times with the Lord. Yes, I do often put all books aside and focus on the Word but I also love learning from others. Other Godly people, authors, to speak into me life and encourage me to stretch myself a bit. In the fall I read "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan and absolutely loved it! It was definitely one of those books. I have passed it on, bought a handful and tell everyone else, "go buy it" I read the book with 1500 other women...yes, 1500! I participated in an online book club with Angie and Jessica. The Bloom Book Club. I'm so excited to jump into the next on-line study which is starting on Jan. 24. We will be reading "The Same Kind of Different as Me"
What a great follow-up to Crazy Love. Please check it out and join us!
"You can never get a cup of tea larger enough or a book long enough to suit me"
c.s. lewis

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