
it's been quiet here in this little corner,
much has happened in the last few weeks,
anniversaries, birthdays,
Christmas parties are behind us,
Candyland banquet done!
husband is home,
christmas is 3 days away and presents
are still being purchased,
it just took me some time this year
to get going this week
bro and sis are here
and these are the days we
talk about all year long,
the long lazy days of being together during
the holidays. late nights, late starts
to the mornings, movies, games
food and being together
it's taken me a little more effort
this year to stay focused on the meaning
 of it all~

The power of God will be displayed
this season,
we are forgiven of a debt we could not pay
we will glorify His name
thankful that we are saved
because of a baby, Holy child,
 sent to us
His law is love and
His gospel is peace~
All oppression shall cease
Hymns of JOY
with all our hearts we
the weary world rejoices
the weary world rejoices
we fall on our knees

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