
The Discipline of Study

This is what I read this week about the studying christian. I am always asking God to show me ways to grow, be stretched and be filled with more of His power. I never want to "rest" become complacent, or stagnant. Here is a great outline for avoiding that:





God's Word says that we are to have the "mind of Christ" and "set our mind on things above" I have come to a point in my life that I don't trust myself if I don't spend time with the Lord on a daily basis. I am so full of ugly, carnal self that I just don't trust myself. Does anybody hear me on that?

To help us learn Scripture, we are told to:

Hear God’s Word: Luke 11:28; Romans 10:17, which means that listening to sermons, lectures, and audio Bibles is very beneficial.

Read God’s Word : Revelation 1:3, as Jesus often did.Study God’s Word, Ezra 7:10; Acts 17:11, as Jesus often did, which caused people to be amazed at His insights (Matthew 7:28–29).

Memorize God’s Word: Psalm 119:11; Proverbs 22:17–19; as Jesus did, which enabled Him to freely quote Scripture as needed; Matthew 4:1–11

Ending with a few pictures from our Sunday "family day." Something very rare happened in our family that day.....we had lunch AND dinner together....just the five of us! This doesn't happen in our busy family because of sports or friends are always coming home with one of our kids, or one child is at some other school function. Although. I do make dinner everynight, we eat in shifts, whoever gets home next, it's there on the stove waiting for them. I don't like this busy schedule, the kids do great and thrive in sports. (that's foreign to me..never a sports girl) We understand the importance of family time and usually end our day with the five of us praying together or at least with each child as we tell them goodnight. Sunday was such a blessed day..... church, lunch, sun, nap, laundry and dinner outside on the deck, ending with a two hour card game! You are rich indeed, when you are blessed with family!

Contrary to the looks of these pictures, Darren and Tim were having fun. But they told me that a serious card game is not a good time to be taking pictures...yeah, guess who did NOT win....the girls! Here is one more picture...of us, taking the game very serious ; )

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