

"God is higher than anything and anyone,
outshining everything you can see in the skies.
Who can compare with God,
our God, so majestically enthroned,
Surveying his magnificent heavens and earth?
He picks up the poor from out of the dirt,
rescues the wretched who've been thrown out with the trash,
Seats them among the honored guests,
a place of honor among the brightest and best.
He gives childless couples a family,
gives them joy as the parents of children.
Hallelujah!"(Psalm 113:4-9, The Message)
How thankful I am that God cares for us, loves us and holds us in the midst of our blatant, ugly sin....sin that we know so easily entangles us, sin that we sometimes step right into after just saying to ourselves..."tomorrow will be different, tomorrow will be a new day, tomorrow I will try harder..." Soooo thankful that while we pray that self-focused prayer, HE is STILL singing over us, hugging us and speaking to us!
I know that there are times when our disobedience and plain SIN will take us out from the "umbrella" of HIS blessing because we can be sooo stubborn and deaf and blind to HIM....but today, tonight, as I fall into bed.....I am PRAISING HIM for NEVER, ever, ever, ever, ever...forgetting me, leaving me, and that HIS presence and HIS still small voice is close, HIS voice is REAL and HIS Word is ALIVE! Tonight my heart is THANKFUL!

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