
I finally had a chance to do this and wanted to share it. I can't wait to read some of the others when they are all compiled together!

Dear Mother,

Mother, Mommy and Mama….I am called each one of these words almost daily. I know the voice of the one that calls me…I recognize the tone, the intensity and the curiosity of all 3 voices. I have come to recognize their needs, their love language and their incredible uniqueness that can only come from our Creator. I marvel at the fact that three “perfect” kids can come from 2 imperfect parents. We serve a mighty God! : )

This time of year is extra special to me, not just because it’s Christmas and we celebrate the birth of our Savior but because I became a mommy for the first time during the Christmas season. Six days before Christmas. On Christmas morning I dressed my baby boy in a Santa outfit. He was my best gift that year. I had no interest in opening presents. I wanted to play with him and just look at his sweet face and smell his sweet skin. We were young, in love and madly in love with our new little family!

It is almost surreal that my little boy will be seventeen this week. Yet I feel like it’s so right. So God ordained that he’s now a young man, wise, smart, funny and ready for the world. He makes everyone around him happy! He has from day one! He has big dreams and a lot of success waiting for him.

Two sweet, again unique, girls followed and completed our family. The joy that comes from motherhood and watching your children grow is indescribable. The joy from watching them mature, form their own passions, friendships and opinions is incredible. On the extreme side, the pain from watching children make mistakes, grow and learn lessons can often feel like a limb is being ripped off…or as they say, your heart being ripped out! God’s design for parenting was not to do it alone, it is designed to “cling to HIM” And boy, do I ever!

There is so much I want to teach my kids. Compassion for others, to dream big and to love each other…they do that so well now. I love watching their sweet relationship they each have with one another. Although there is sibling wrestling matches and word slinging often, they are tight! That is success number one! To sum it up, I pray that they fulfill the scripture says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and love others as yourself.” The greatest commandment.

There is not a day that goes by I don’t pray for my precious babies. We have given them to the Lord from day we found out about them. He has great plans for them and I am honored to be called Mommy, Mom and Mama!

1 comment:

Mother Letter said...

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